Essays #2
9.5.2024 | Friday | Salt Galata | 15:00
A Companion for Amateur Cinematographers: Vol. I
Federico Di Corato

20'| 2022 | HD Video
Set against the backdrop of Italy in the years of the fascist dictatorship, a man of means, yet unknown to history, scrutinises the world through his small cine camera. Guiding him and teaching him is a manual; the buds of ideology are detectable beneath the seemingly impartial tone it uses to describe technique. But in his films, the ineffable signs of resistance still rise to the surface.
The Film You Are About To See
Maxime Marinot
11' | 2023 | Digital
Please note that the film you are about to see is taken from real material of film history, namely the disclaimers and warnings that frame the existence of many films. However, any collusion between art and industry, any conflict of interest between freedom of creation and the law, or any hint of moralism on the life of images, would be purely incidental and unintentional.
Dictionary of Emotions in a Time of War
Leah Loftin
12' 13'' | 2023 | Digital 
United States
A woman in Kherson navigates the horrors and absurdities of daily life during Putin’s war on Ukraine. A short film adapted from Olena Astasieva’s personal accounts from the front lines.
March 8, 2020: A Memoir
Fırat Yücel
15'' | 2023 | Screen recording

We are on Taksim Square watching the aftermath of this last mass demonstration in the city, before the COVID-19 pandemic. Two voices reflect on what they see on the screen. A child playing with a red balloon, youngsters dancing on the street, people taking photos, Marina Abramovic’s first exhibition in Istanbul… As the narrative unfolds, images take new meaning: These are screen recordings of Istanbul municipalities’ 7/24 live and open-access ‘Touristic Cameras’ taken on the 8th of March Women’s Day 2020. March 8, 2020: A Memoir is a multi-voiced desktop-essay/documentary attempting to find the blind spots of such images, traveling in time via screen recordings. A desktop documentary/video essay about the Feminist Night March protest in Istanbul in 2020, entirely created with screen recordings of the event and its aftermath, deconstructing and repurposing touristic and surveillance images.

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