Animations #1 
9.5.2024 | Thursday | Salt Galata | 16:30
Robin Noorda

16'| 2024 | Digital
Lunatic tackles urgent earthly issues, as seen by a lonely astronaut, called Antonio, who was left behind on the moon after his coming out.
In addition to the climate crisis, human waste, even in space, determines our fate. The moon-guard, a statue of a skinned warrior, symbolises defence against the space debris danger from above. Ultimately, collisions between space debris and satellites will cause a cascade of collisions that will destroy all communications. It's called Kessler syndrome.
The earth ends up with a Saturn like dust ring of metal and silicon.
Light Play (Vicious Cycles #3)
Wobbe F. Koning
3' 19'' | 2023 | Digital
United States
Light plays through translucent objects, reflects off of silvery cubes. Light bubbles up and takes shape, makes shapes. When rigid, geometric shapes are formed, their light is extinguished and their shape crushed.
Inspired by Brian Eno's Video: Paintings and Sculptures, ambient light plays an important part in this 3D Printed Stop Motion Animation. With a soundtrack hard to ignore, what transpires does however impose itself on the viewer.
Language Unknown
Janelle VanderKelen
6' 10'' | 2022 | 16mm 
United States
This film embraces plant sentience as fact and speculates how beings of the vegetal variety might approach interspecies communication with humans (who are far more sensorially limited). Leaves, mycelium, and roots playfully examine how humans experience the world, and the (supposedly) silent watchers consider what language those swift blurs of human might possibly understand.
caprice x²
Claudia Ungersbäck
3' 37'' | 2021 | Digital  

Forms and gestures, situations over a copy (is_t) existance. marks and notes happening while light resounds.
Reptilian Freeze Reflex
Anna Hogg
1' 35'' | 2022 | 16m
United States
Reptilian Freeze Reflex attempts to capture the embodied experience of the freeze reflex through the frenetic energy of a camera-less film made by scratching directly onto 16mm black leader. The film reflects upon the way we sometimes fail to relate to one another as individuals because of severe anxiety.
Disappearing Acts
Sarah E. Jenkins
3' 43'' | 2022 
United States

On the way back home, we’re always accelerating. The night becomes the day, and the stars people see above, remain as they were before. It is said that in the experiments held at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the protons only exist for a billionth of a second. They travel at approximately the speed of light, but can’t go any faster than that. The protons inside the collider feel life going by a lot slower that we do. The protons can feel the vibrations as if they were riding a motorcycle, a lot like how we feel our lives go back compared to a universal scale. The speed represent the roads people travel back and forth. The feelings are broadcasted as the passing of time.
Labyrinth Rat
Uğur Savaş
4' 14'' | 2023 | Digital
The story of rats being tested in a labyrinth built by Humans.

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